Herzberg Verlag
[vhb004]SUNYA BEAT – COMIN’ SOON (2X12″)
track listing
a1.Am Anfang
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a2.Bond’s Off
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a3.Lys Trois
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b1.Sierra Nostra
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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
c1.Skies Unlimited
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c2.Delhi Slide
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d1.Gamma Weg
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d2.Herzberg Anthem
d3.Voodoo Chile
SYNTHESISTのHarald Grosskopf率いるASHRAのバックバンド、
“SUNYA BEAT”のシールド・デッドストック・ダブルパッカー!